7 Essential Mind Shifts
to Help You Rock Your Marketing

It's time to start rocking your marketing mindset!

What keeps you up at night, tossing and turning while figuring out how to get past all the hurdles and ruts life throws in your way?

How do you feel about marketing your business? Love it or hate it?

Whatever your answer, the 7 mind shifts I'm sharing in this free guide will help you improve the success you'll have starting and building a profitable home-based business.

Cover Image 7 Essential Mind Shifts To Help You Rock Your Marketing

Peek Inside:

  • Mindset 3: Discover what marketing really is, and what it's not. Are you missing out on many free and low cost ways to successfully market your business?
  • Mindset 4: Understand why you need to keep telling current customers and prospects about you and your business.
  • Mindset 7: Learn the number one secret to successful marketing that many smart but struggling biz owners miss ... and what to do to fix this.

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Photo of Kathy by Bill Diller

Kat Sturtz is a business life mentor and The Purgatory Relief Coach for People Who Think Marketing Is Hell. Her passion is helping time and cash-strapped solopreneurs build a profitable home-based business.

You'll also receive The Path Ahead newsletter from Kat Sturtz. You can unsubscribe anytime. No worries. 

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Kat Sturtz is simply - awesome. :) She has the experience, the knowledge, and the ability to share what works so that the viewer can put it to use right away.

Charlene Burke Content Writer, Research Expert, Speaker

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