
Today’s the final day of the Ultimate Blog Challenge, and you are watching or reading my 30th consecutive post for April 2020.

I know I won’t keep up this new post creation pace, but I will be doing more writing and publishing in the day’s going forward than I have in the past few years.

I also know that I will continue to challenge myself … to do more  … to better myself and the world around me … and to stretch and to dream.

And Now I Want to Ask You …

Click arrow on top left below to play video, or continue reading below.

Are you a “content with the status quo type” of person?  Or one who willingly challenges yourself to be better, to reach higher, to move forward one step at a time no matter how hard the going gets?

It can be scary I know, but consider taking former First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt’s challenge to heart, “Do one thing everyday that scares you.

I also love what Norman Vincent Peale advised, “Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss you’ll land among the stars.

Before I end today’s post I want to challenge you to create a personal challenge for yourself. You get to determine the rules and what constitutes success.

Make it as practical as de-cluttering one item a day for a week, or as demanding as doing 30 minutes of exercise each day for a month, or perhaps limiting your social media time to just 20 minutes a day for two weeks.

You can do it. But Will You?

Define the challenge goal. Be sure to make it measurable or you’ll have no way to track your progress.


Let me know in the comments what your next challenge will be. I look forward to cheering you on.

  • I just completed a 30-day challenge I modified for myself, and it went very well! I am not sure what I choose next, but it will likely be to continue building my spring capsule wardrobe or start planning my summer one.

    • Congratulations Kat on completing the April UBC! I LOVE a challenge and always try to do better on everything. My challenge now is to continue to write a few blogs a week and Lia’s challenge is to write one blog a week for the month of May. Can we do it, sure hope so!

  • Congratulations Kat. I like Eleanor Roosevelt’s suggestion. I’m in the process of launching a new business. I’ve operated a traditional business for years, but going online in a new direction will be different. So my challenge is to do a video or blog, or 30 minutes of exercise every day for 30 days. It may seem weird to mix 2 different things, but it makes sense for me. And if I do both, bonus!

    • Hi Ben. I don’t think your personal challenge mix is odd at all. After all, we live our personal lives along side our business lives. One of my coaching specialties is helping individuals manage that mix of personal and business, hence my hybrid “business life mentor” label.

      Those are ambitious goals. Cheering you on!

  • Congrats Kat on this challenge. I’m afraid I’ve bombed on it this time. Perhaps that was my challenge, not to push myself so hard all the time. My next one is to get the yard clean and garden in, to work a little bit each day. And not to stress too much about it.

    • Hi Lily, I think you’re a winner and deserve being congratulated. Learning something … and accepting that … about ourselves is every bit as important as completing a set number of new blog posts in a month. Cheering you on!

  • I loved doing this challenge — I posted about every other day, which was something that I knew I could do and not give up on. It pushed me to have good content on my blog, and I still plan to write one blog post a week. Now I am working on my craft blog, with a new layout and cleaning up old posts and posting 2 new posts a week to get it going again. I loved all your suggestions and will keep following you on Twitter!

  • I am going to do one thing everyday that scares me .I think that’s going to work.Exercise I am doing and trying to stay calm is also on the all time list.Thanks for joining me in UBC this month.
    It was fun reading your posts.Will meet for the next one.

  • Ok, Kat, I am in…I posted my challenge for myself and my dogs…..keeping with social distancing for both or all of us one dog per day….but we’re getting back on track with our running today. With our health goals……Sorry, a day late in commenting but hey the blog post is posted and here to stay right? Love your video……your too sweet……

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