Do you have trouble letting go of clutter that has recognizable value and a legitimate purpose? Yeah. Me, too. That’s frugal clutter. For most of us it’s the type of clutter that is hardest to release.

On today’s Fast Action Fridays, guest and professional organizer Barbara Trapp discusses some of the reasons why we keep it, plus shares some great tips for loosening out grip so we can finally let it go.

No need to take notes as you listen to our interview. Barbara’s free resource will prompt you with the best questions to ask that will help you decide what you’re willing to have taking up space in your home.

Click the image to watch our interview

“I think anything I have needs to earn its square footage in my home.

Barbara Trapp

More about Barbara

Barbara Trapp is a Certified Professional Organizer®, and Productivity & Life Coach.

She has over 15 years’ experience in Human Resources, Training and Development, and Process Improvement, and holds specialist certificates in Residential Organizing, Life Transitions, and Workplace Productivity. She is also a Certified DISC & Driving Forces Facilitator.

Barbara graduated from FSU with a B.S. in Leisure (yes, you heard that right!) and has moved 20 times. In 2016, she quit a well-paying job in a toxic environment, packed her car, and drove around the country for three months, listening to many top business and personal development books. Twenty-two states and 52 books later, she was ready to start her own business.

Barbara is the owner of Zen Your Den and Zen Your Biz and offers non-judgmental help to busy and overwhelmed people.

Fun and Unusual facts about Barbara:

  • She’s moved 20 times.
  • Earned a B.S. degree in Leisure from FSU
  • Has sung professionally
  • Once taught underwater basket weaving

Get the Free Resource

Be sure to download Barbara’s 4 Questions sheet that will help you finally let go of the frugal clutter we cling to unnecessarily.

Get Barbara’s free resource here.

Other ways to connect with Barbara:


Your Turn

Do you have trouble letting go of clutter that has recognizable value and a legitimate purpose? Yeah, me too. I’ve already letting go of some items after answering the questions Barbara recommended. Those four questions really helped me change my perspective on why, what, and where I was hoarding so many items that don’t serve a valid purpose in my life anymore.

Do you have any special tips that have helped you let go of clutter?

Please share in the comments below or in the Rocking Your Path Community on Facebook.

If you want to chat, schedule a meeting with me here.

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