I decided not to do any Black Friday salesy thing for 2023, including pitching one of my own products or services or an affiliate product. 

With the onslaught of offers starting way, way too early for some businesses I just wasn't feeling good about jumping on that bandwagon. Emptying my inbox of the hundreds of Black Friday deals rushing in was annoying enough. 

Did you do a Black Friday deal?

No hard feelings or admonishments from me If you did promote something. That's cool. I hope it generated some good traffic and sales for you. I may decide to offer something for Black Friday or Cyber Monday next year. Who knows? 

But check this beauty out...

But I did come across something that I absolutely adore. A set of beautifully designed themed product images. To my knowledge, these aren't for sale either. They belong to Evelyn Weiss. I saw them first over in her The Coach Growth Hub (inner circle) group

Even though I had no intention to purchase anything... and didn't... I clicked the link and headed straight to the sales page to see how these gorgeous graphics and creative product bundle names were organized on the sales page. It's equally appealing, in my opinion. 

I share more thoughts about Evelyn's graphics in the short video below.

Do you love 'em or hate 'em? Share what you think about these graphics in the comments. 

  • This is a very unique way of marketing. The graphics in the whole design is fun. When still promoting a product and service. I, like you, like the idea of knowing the price before I click on To add it to a cart, or to consider a purchase.

    • Absolutely, Cindy. Irks me to no end when I see sales pages that force me to click buy to see a price. More often these days I just back out as the seller has lost my interest and trust. I appreciate how Evelyn doesn’t hide her fees on her sales page.

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