
My Fast Action Friday’s guest today is Anita Hampl. Known as THE Short Attention Span Writer, Anita is obsessed with encouraging people to use LinkedIn for their careers or businesses.

She explained how people can easily create—or more likely revive—their accounts to expand their visibility in the business or academic world. Although the LinkedIn platform is confusing and not always intuitive, Anita believes that one does not have to be a LinkedIn EXPERT in order to benefit from—and even enjoy using—LinkedIn.

Click the image to watch our interview

More about Anita’s background

Misdiagnosed as an accountant at an early age, Anita worked in Fortune 500 accounting and auditing until her student loans were paid off. Her quest to decide what to do when she grew up took her through direct sales (Tupperware Seller of the Year), various aspects of internet marketing, website making, eBay and Amazon sourcing and selling, and local networking, in addition to soccer-momming some incredible offspring.

All roads have led her to writing about people in order to highlight what makes each one so darn special. Anita feels that she has a special knack for listening to people and finding threads in their lives that can explain where they are now and what makes them so unique.

Her kids call it extreme nosiness. Tomato, tomahto. 

Fun and Unusual facts about Anita:

  • The Oxford comma is the only one for me.
  • I turn first to the Obituary pages in my daily paper.
  • As a young auditor in Tokyo, fresh out of college, I bought chocolate Valentines for all the men in the accounting bullpen. Apparently that was tantamount to making marriage proposals.
  • Friends once kidnapped me for a midnight birthday party at Kroger, where the manager crowned me their Coupon Queen.
  • I have never seen “The Princess Bride.”

Get the Free Resource

Click here to access a PDF copy of Anita’s 5 Ways to Engage on LinkedIn episode handout. She’s also made available several other free resources, such as how to revive or update your profile, how to add new connections, and a cheatsheet for updating skills.

And, if you want some personal guidance from Anita, see the special discount code on her freebies download page.

Other ways to connect Anita:

Website: THE Short Attention Span Writer https://anitahampl.com

LinkedIN:   https://linkedin.com/in/anitahampl

Your Turn

Are you rocking it on LinkedIn? Which of Anita’s tips will you use first to increase your engagement and networking? Have a strategy of your own that’s working well for you?

Please share in the comments below or in the Rocking Your Path Community on Facebook.

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