
Today’s Fast Action Fridays guest is Nyota Gordon, an adaptability coach and leadership strategist, who honed her skills during a 22 year service stint with the U.S. Army. She went in expecting to serve four years. Surprise!

While I’ve never served in the military, I resonated especially with the Aha! moment Nyota shared on the issue of delegating during our interview, and the debilitating weight when you haven’t any system for delegating in place.

There were so many great Aha! moments. About managing ourselves versus our time … about gifting ourselves the grace to grow … about misjudging our ability to multi-task … plus the biggest lesson she learned about herself and being an entrepreneur.

Click the image to watch our interview

More about Nyota

She had a difficult transition from military to civilian life because, once out, her life lacked structure and purpose. Fortunately, as she says, she “lucked up on real estate wholesaling and an Entrepreneur was born.”

Now Nyota uses her skills honed in the military as an Adaptability Coach and Leadership Strategist. She created Transition365 to help high performers struggling to use their hard-earned skills embrace adaptability into their careers, businesses, and home lives. She coaches her clients be more adaptable by responding quickly to changing ideas, responsibilities, expectations, trends, and strategies.

Nyota and her clients use entrepreneurship as a vehicle to create their new life’s mission that creates a new steam of income and furthers their service to the world. Together they get rid of limiting beliefs and replace them with powerful certainties.

It’s my job to love people where they are and continue to serve them how I can.

Nyota Gordon

Fun and Unusual facts about Nyota in her own words:

  • I’m an accidental blogger. Since Covid shut down my gym, I walk every single day.
  • I love that super-thin crust pepperoni and jalapeño pizza. I will eat an entire medium pizza in one day.
  • I used and use entrepreneurship to keep me emotionally fixed and focused.
  • I served over 22 years in the U.S. Army, but it was only supposed to be 4 years.

Get the Free Resources

Nyota has a free Facebook group and 5-day challenge to help people that are looking to start their business or side hustle from scratch. It will be repeated so consider joining anyway past dates show. She says that your family is more than welcome to join along with you, to network, and maybe pick up a few tips or tricks.

You can also get a printable PDF with her main tips about focusing here. No opt-in required.

Other ways to connect with Nyota:

Facebook business page: https://www.facebook.com/NyGoTransition365/
Facebook free group: https://bit.ly/StartYourBusiness2020

Your Turn

How well do you think you manage multi-tasking and staying focused? Which would you like to do better or more of? Which do you think would be most useful in helping you be more successful in life and business?

Please share in the comments below or in the Rocking Your Path Community on Facebook.

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