
I meet you a couple of months ago at a psychic fair (my first) and I went to you because you were the only one in the room that felt right when I walked by.  I had put my name on someone else’s sheet since I had come for a tarot card reading and you weren’t advertising that skill.  I asked and you said that as long as you could check your cheat sheet occasionally, you would do it for me.  You even cut me a deal on it.  Since I had been getting deals all day, that just kind of confirmed that you were the right one to go to.

The question that I asked the cards was a bit on the smart-aleck side…I asked it to tell me something that I didn’t know.  Three cards and they all said about the same thing.  Opportunity, opportunity, opportunity.  The opportunity is there to improve on the abilities that I posses and with that to improve on me.  The four steps on this journey are to be open to accept and acknowledge the powers in the universe around me (which was were I was at) then to ask for guidance and then to be truly thankful. It was also pointed out to me that the few times that I do ask for guidance or help, I am very prone to setting limits and the universe would just love to give me tons more if I would just let it.

All of that was a lot to mull over and since I have the tendency to think things over to death, I did think about it.  I had been surprised that there was nothing said about the other things going on in my life (my sisters new man who no one liked, my husbands health, and the ever worrisome money).  It was all about me.  Not something that I get a lot of.

Now a couple of months have past and I have been a little bit more aware of the little things that have been happening around me.  Things that before was just sort of a “yeah, that’s nice” and then forgot, actually stuck with me as a bit off and then I started to see a pattern.  Things have been repeating themselves all over the place.  Numbers come up a couple of times, not one but two people sent me Christmas cards with wolves on it (certainly not the norm) and more things along those lines.  The strangest thing was that I kept getting compliments on my smile and my great attitude and how I always was so nice.  I work service, and being nice is part of the job description, but these people were acting like they never had anyone smile at them before.  It was a bit weird.

I finally got to see you again last weekend.  One of the first things that I noticed was that you were doing tarot readings as well as energy readings.  When I asked you about it you told me that you were debating about when you would be ready to include that when I had asked for mine.  You had enough confidence in yourself and what the spirit world was sending you to know a sign when you see one.  You also pointed out that the reason that I kept getting thing over and over was kind of the universes way of going “Hello, still here, are you listening?”  I wasn’t, hence the reason that I kept getting the same things.  As for the smile bit, you reminded me that a person never knows how they will impact people around them.  I nudged you into doing tarot, just by asking.  I gave people a smile and a good attitude and it made their day. And they in turn pointed it out to me so that I would be aware of what I am doing and be reminded of the fact that I am a good person.  Sometimes it is just something you need to hear.

After our chat (more chatting than reading, you are easy to chat with and its fun to pick your brain on things) you sent me to one of the other readers in the room.  This told me even more about you and the fact that you can recognize when you’re being sent in a new direction, in this case by sending me in a new direction to a different person.  I heard much the same things that you had told me and got the impression that the universe was standing there with a ball bat saying “Am I going to have to hit you over the head before you listen?”

So where does this leave me?  Well, I am trying to talk nicer to myself and have more belief in the abilities that I do posses.  I am taking a large step towards not being afraid of the reaction other people may have to me and my beliefs of things that may not be considered “the norm”.  This is helped a lot by seeing people like you Kat that seem like they wouldn’t be out of place in a PTO meeting or any of the other functions that an active mom goes to.  I am trying to listen more, although I’m not to sure what to do with what I get, it is one of the steps to learning.

One big stumbling block that I have is my worry that there will be a price to pay for asking for too much….still not to sure what to do on that, but this is after all a work in progress.


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