My Fast Action Fridays guest today is Brenda Blindenbach, a health and well coach, who found a way to help improve her own health while also building a small business, and helping other women improve their lifestyle and career choices, too.

I’ve actually forgotten how Brenda and I first me but it was on Facebook several years ago. Right from the start I appreciated her passion and the depth of information she shares with clarity, confidence and commitment.

As many of us know from years of trying, changing our habits in order to improve our lifestyle and health isn’t as easy as just stating what we want. Real change comes from taking positive actions to bring about those changes. Also, for many folks, improving their business and lifestyle benefits by focused attention on improving their health. For Brenda, that included finding a better way to manage her Type II diabetes. That, how she built her business, and easy action tips to improve our lifestyles is our focus for today’s interview.

Click the image to watch our interview

Fun and Unusual facts about Brenda:

  • Brenda trained as a Laboratory Technologist in Bacteriology in the UK, identifying the microbes that cause infections and then tested for antibiotics that would be the best choice for treating these infections.
  • She’s now come full circle, & is using the emerging science of the gut microbiome instead, that works on our behalf to promote & achieve health & well being.
  • Brenda is passionate about things to do with both art and science. She attends the opera, symphonies, the theater, ballet, concerts & visiting art galleries & museums. She also loves spending time to research things related to health & wellness.

Get the Free Resource

Click here, to get Brenda’s free comprehensive guide is titled, How to Reverse Diabetes Naturally Now. In it you will learn:

  • Why you need Vitamin B12 & the part Vitamin B12 deficiency plays in Cognitive Decline & other diseases
  • How the Human Microbiome Works
  • The Difference between Prebiotics and Probiotics
  • Plus an Assignment

Other ways to connect Brenda:

Your Turn

Are there things about your lifestyle and habits that want to change? What have you already tried that worked … or didn’t work for you?

While “perfect” is not attainable or sustainable for any of us, it’s still worth wondering what a better world would look and feel like, right? So, go ahead and dream a little. What would your perfect world or lifestyle be like?

Please share in the comments below or in the Rocking Your Path Community on Facebook.

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