Wish there was a magic wand to have your speech or webinar basically written for you?
There is! Check out the Signature Speech Wizard. And don’t miss the special Coupon Code below.
UPDATE: Please note links to Signature Speech Wizard still active. But as I write this update April 25, 2016, the discount mentioned in this post is no longer valid. However, I still highly recommend SSW. I continue to use it with great success, as well as the many other Wizards that I’ve purchased from Jim Edwards.
• To see what other programs, including many freebiews Felicia Slattery has available, visit her site here.
• Visit Jim Edwards site here to see all that he has to offer. Did I mention I own a lot of Jim’s Wizards? Yep, I do. And have been worth every penny.
It was created by the combined brilliance of Jim Edwards, known for his easy to follow instructional webinars and courses, and Felicia Slattery, who I refer to as the Queen of Signature Speeches. Now I could gush more about this software … that downloads to your system and can be used over and over … but you can check out all the details yourself here. There’s even a special coupon to save $100. Who doesn’t love to save money on a terrific bargain! Just enter the special coupon code to save you $100: COUPON CODE: SSW100JanDisc
Plus you can read the glowing testimonial I gave Jim and Felicia right after I purchased SSW and gave it a go the very day they first offered it. I’ve used it many times already in the couple months I’ve owned it. It’s so easy to use. Just follow the prompts. It truly helps me get out of my own way. I’ve even used it to help me plan and organize what I’ll share on some of my own Fast Action Fridays episodes. It even made prepping my outline notes for several recent radio interviews a breeze. Yes, I’m sharing my affiliate links. Anyone who knows me understands I only recommend products and services I love to own and use myself, plus a handful that I’ve had experience using and appreciate the value and quality.
Go see the demo now when you click here
Here’s the deal… after you download and fire up the software this is what happens: – You answer 43 questions (with prompts and examples to make it super easy). – Save your work. – Choose your output (anything from PowerPoint slides of a finished speech, your speech outline, customer order forms, social media posts, questions for creating content marketing materials, and so much more.) – Make your small tweaks for capitalization, adding minor subpoints, etc. – Start using the material to make you money and bring you clients from speaking and webinars. Go see the demo now at https://rockingyourpath.com/make-writing-signature-speech-fast-easy
SAVE $100 if you act now
When you see everything this software can do to help you with your speeches, webinars, social media, and other content marketing, here’s a special coupon code to save you $100 so you can give it a whirl: COUPON CODE: SSW100JanDisc Coupon code and $100 savings are good until January 30, 2015 As always, feel free to contact me if you want to more about my experience using this product. The Signature Speech Wizard has saved me a boatload of time, money and frustration. Just think of how it can help you start rocking your unique path.