UPDATED INFO AUG 6, 2020: While the mission for Fast Action Fridays remains the same, other things have changed such as switching from AWeber to ConvertKit to now ActiveCampaign as my list management service. However, due to the historical nature of this post, I’ve chosen to disable old links rather than remove or update them.

NOTE: April 4, 2014 Fast Action Fridays recap. This is not a full transcript, but rather a summary of at least two Fast Action Tips that were shared, along with a Your Turn Exercise. You can listen to the replay here.

Welcome to our very first Fast Action Fridays community call in. Be sure to check your email each week for access information for the next call or webcast. I (Kat) deliberately waited until the last moment to set up today’s call, pretty much treating it as an impromptu event. I spent just a little over half an hour setting up a list and opt-in form in AWeber, plus a thank you page with the basic information about the purpose of Fast Action Fridays, and also the landing page. Then I spent a few more minutes posting the info and link on my Facebook wall and the Rocking Your Path page, as well as in a couple groups I belong to that allow sharing. Yes, I did go back later in the day to tweak and improve the pages.

Why? Why did I wait until the last minute? To show it could be done even without expensive software, or a high level of technical expertise or gobs of time or … any of the other excuses used to justify not getting started.

A primary obstacle to remaining stuck in our lives and businesses is believing we can’t take a good step forward until conditions are perfect. And that simply isn’t true.

Fast Action Tip 1: There’s always a way to move forward even when conditions aren’t perfect.

Find a way. Take that step. And another. Tweak and improve as you move along. Don’t let the need for perfection get in the way of doing the best you can in the moment.

Fast Action Tip 2: When Money is Tight – Enjoy to the Fullest Something You Already Own

Even when money is extra tight, you can feel more pampered with a touch of luxury by looking around your home for things you enjoy but may not be taking full advantage of. For example, my husband and I realized recently we had several partially used bottles of skin creams, body lotions, and massage oils. Some we had bought ourselves. Others we had received as gifts. It seems that the more drained our finances, the more reluctant we were to use what seemed extravagances.

Silly, really. However, as much as we had previously enjoyed giving each other rub-downs and regularly using creams and lotions after showers, we had simply begun ignoring that we owned them.

However, we DID own them. Furthermore, they were ours to use at no addition cost. So we decided to start using up what we had on hand. More importantly, we decided that we were going to delight in owning them and enjoy using them as much as possible … every last drop we could get out of each bottle.

We choose one bottle at a time to use until completely empty. We tilted the bottle on end as the supply ran low. Then, even cut them open to gain access to every last silky drop.

We felt pampered … and definitely indulgent … which prompted us to smile and giggle at odd and amusing times. Regardless of our bank account balances, we felt richer … wealthy in an emotionally empowering way.

YOUR TURN Exercise

Spend a few minutes thinking and searching your home for some products you like using but have, for whatever reason, been ignoring. They may be partially used or perhaps even brand new.
Choose one product and vow to use it regularly until it’s gone. Allow yourself to feel pampered and indulgent and wealthy each time you use it. Revel in the fact it has cost you nothing out of pocket to enjoy this experience. Express your gratitude for having this unexpected treat and opportunity.

Once that product is empty, choose another and repeat the process.

Access to Recordings is Available to Subscribers

Here’s the link to subscribe. Feel free to share the link below and recommend the Fast Action Fridays community to your friends, family, and networking contacts.
Copy & paste to share: http://bit.ly/1mPz3fl

SYSTEM USED today for call-in and recording: Free Conference Pro (free online version)

• Feel free to contact me if you have questions, have a Fast Action tip or technique you’d like to share, or would like to explore JV and other networking opportunities with me.

Disclosure: Some resources mentioned are affiliate links. They offer you savings and I may benefit from you clicking them.

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