Pompeii, ItalyAs part of a conference planning survey I was recently asked to answer this question:

What would be something someone doesn’t know about you?

I thought my answer might be of interest to readers here, especially since my answer sheds some insight on the passion I have for exploring intuition and establishing this site.

Short answer:

That on July 10, 1971, the day following the birth of my first child,  I “died” and was revived three times. 🙂

Longer answer:

While I don’t remember a time when I wasn’t intuitive, my psychic awareness really got a boost after I came out of a week-long coma, which included being medically revived three times after bleeding to death. Shortly thereafter I became serious about discovering my spiritual path, which includes continually learning to embrace and enhance my psychic skills, as well as make better use of them in my everyday life. I also learned that my path included helping others find a way to share their questions, abilities and insights. That led me, among other things, to create my Exploring Intuition site.

The spiritual journey is different for everyone. And our moments of discovery especially so.

Can you recall what dream, memory, event or unique moment triggered your quest to discover and follow your spiritual path? Are you still looking?

Please share your experiences by posting a comment.

  • I always seemed to know when someone was going to die. At a young age, I did not feel that it was a gift at all. After my mother passed, I went to a psychic who asked why I was there. I told her I wanted to speak to my mother. My mother came through and told me that “I could talk to her anytime I wanted to, knew it, and did not have to go through anyone else to do it.” The psychic, Lynn, went on to become my mentor, teacher and very good friend.

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