The Divalution ShowSpending an hour live on the air waves again with Deborah St. Hilaire and Tammie Weidner, two of my favorite Divas, was a delightful way to rock the end of my birthday on July 15th.

It was made even more special because my husband Dennis and good friend Peggy Mangan came along, too, following my birthday dinner together at Red Lobster.

Deb asked me to share information on several topics.
Among them:

  • How and why I started the weekly Fast Action Fridays calls with no added cost, little technical tweaking, minimal marketing that began 30 minutes before the first show. My purpose was two-fold:
    • To help build my own list
    • To help illustrate to those who feel they haven’t the time, money or know-how, or that everything must be in perfect order before launching that there are ways to move forward if you’re willing to take a chance with an idea
  • How to marry and merge multiple work interests that you are passionate about into a cohesive business model with programs that provide ideal clients with services and solutions that help them rock their own paths.
  • Daily business and marketing challenges, including website and graphic design, and hiring quality reliable help. Plus words of wisdom for struggling entrepreneurs.
  • The value of working with a coach … and the importance of having your own coach even when you work as a coach. We can all use help getting out of our own way.
  • What Reiki and EFT/Tapping energy modalities are and how I incorporate them into my work. Friend Peggy Mangan, who is an RN and also a Reiki Master and EFT practitioner, also explained on air some of the recent scientific studies about the effectiveness of Reiki and the importance of human touch in comforting and caring for those in need.
  • The importance of identifying and releasing negative energies from our bodies. My Quick Negative Energy Release Technique is included with my free Next Step Action Kit. You can get your copy free here.
  • Why using our intuition in practical ways is something anyone can take advantage.

The Divalution Vision

“Our vision is to create a tribe of women who drink red wine, realize their feminine nature to nurture, who love without limit, mentor without jealousy, support without judgement and live without regret.”

Check out The Divalution Show on Facebook here or catch live or replays of the weekly radio show here.

Oh … I should have posted a photo of my Diva shirt birthday gift from the Divas!

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