
Pat Roque

Pat Roque, the Rock Star Transformation Coach, is a sought-after keynote speaker, business growth strategist and author. She founded her first entrepreneurial company, Business Boomers, in 1988. Pat shares candidly from her “rear view mirror” with nearly 3 decades of learning to fast-track her clients’ success today. She empowers executives and entrepreneurs to rock their business and their life without selling their soul or losing their mind.  

Pat inspires others to pursue their passion and rock their world by focusing on the 5 facets of a brilliant life: family, fun, fitness, finance and your fabulous career. Her blog, 50 ROCKS: Life Lessons for Success, has impacted many thousands of lives. As a master connector, one of her passions is teaching folks how to attract and retain their ideal clients to enjoy tenfold success.

On the Fast Action Friday we discussed her secrets to ROCK THE ROOM as a ninja networker, including:

  • Know your WHY
  • Celebrate why you ROCK
  • Do you pre-event homework
  • Arrive prepared to STAND OUT
  • Set intentions and leave with tangible OUTCOMES

Pat’s first book, Rock Your Golf! 90-Day Success System is now on Amazon.com and her second book will release in October.  Www.rockonsuccess.com/discover.

Watch the replay below


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