There’s a reason Sue Painter has been a longtime mentor of mine. It’s embodied in her engaging, down-to-earth manner, her business persona and tagline on her website.
Confident Marketer:
Growth Beyond Business, Insight Beyond Compare
Among the things I most admire about Sue is she never holds back on stating the importance of assuming responsibility for our thoughts, words, and actions.
As I write this near mid-April 2020, we are weeks into shelter-in-place in most all the U.S. due to the coronavirus. Two days ago Governor Whitmer here in Michigan, extended our lock-down to May 1st, along with additional restrictions on travel and items that can’t be sold in retail stores.
I’m encouraged knowing so many of my fellow state and country residents are willing to comply with the restrictions in place. I’m grateful for the many healthcare and other essential workers showing up for work knowing they are increasing their exposure, not only to themselves, but to family at home.
I’m touched beyond measure by the generosity of neighbors looking out for each other.
It’s distressing to hear from some whose worry and anxiety has so overwhelmed them they can’t bring themselves to see the simple joys in life that still exist. Spring flowers blooming. Smiles and laughter. The many choosing to move forward because to remain stuck in despair isn’t an option and helps no one.
Responsibility isn’t optional
Assuming responsibility for our own thoughts, words, and actions is always important, but especially so in challenging and trying times. It’s the key emotional trigger that allows us to look ahead. To take another step forward. Then another.
When I watched a message Sue shared this week, I knew immediately I wanted to share it with my readers as a Spotlight feature, with her knowledge and permission. I also recommend subscribing to Sue on YouTube, as well as getting on her email list. You can thank me later.
Click the arrow in top left corner to start the video.
How are you faring these days?
What steps are you taking to weather this unexpected and trying time in our lives? Are you stuck in worry and despair, or doing what you can to thrive as best you can now and planning for the future?
Are you leading by example and taking responsibility for your thoughts, words, and action? If you’re struggling, are you willing to admit that and reach out for help?
I’d love to know some of your thoughts, what’s happening in your neighborhood. Please share in the comments.
If you want someone to talk with, I’m available. Send me a message or book a call.
Thank you, Kat, for featuring me here. I’m honored and hope that this will be helpful to your community.
My choice and pleasure to feature you first in my new Spotlight Sunday series. My hope is that those who most need to hear your message find it and take it to heart.
A lot of learning, working, exploring, reworking (revisiting my old books and doing revisions during these times, taking a look at how I live my life and how I can make it better… And yes take a look at how I slipped over the years from trying to lead by example and lashing out to others easily, etc….How can I change that and mend my ways! Let me end with PAWmaste!
Sounds like you’re making use of your shelter-in-place time wisely. WTG!