Terms & Conditions

Coaching Terms/Agreement with Kat Sturtz
 (Kathleen Henderson-Sturtz) 

56 Vibes Services 
PO Box 147, Pigeon MI 48755 – (c) 989-551-9538

By registering for any of the coaching programs, you (the Client) agree to the following:

  1. 1
    To fully participate in my coaching sessions by being open and honest with my coach and myself. I will create the time and expend energy necessary for the coaching process. I understand that my coach will provide support, structure, honest feedback, encouragement, insight, and ideas to assist me.
  2. 2
    To make a sincere attempt to complete assignments (if assigned) before next coaching session(s). These may include but are not limited to readings, written exercises, research, assessments, business/marketing tasks, and weekly update sheets.
  3. 3
    To arrive at each coaching session on time. Sessions may be conducted via telephone, video or audio chat (such as Skype, Zoom, conference line), or in-person, as both parties determine.
  4. 4
    If an individual coaching session needs to be rescheduled, both parties agree to provide each other with at least 24-hour notice. If an emergency arises, then notify as soon as possible.
  5. 5
    It is understood that this coaching relationship is of a confidential nature. My coach will not at any time divulge, either directly or indirectly to any third party the content of these services without my (the Client’s) prior written consent.
  6. 6
    As the Client, I understand that my coach’s services are consultative in nature and that decisions made and actions taken, based on input or advice from my coach are ultimately my complete responsibility, and that my coach shall have no liability or responsibility for any actions I may or may not take in connection therewith. My coach makes no guarantee or warranties, expressed or implied, as to the results to be achieved, or as to the consequences of any action I take or do not take. Due to the powerful transformative nature of this work, I understand that there is no refund policy*.
    * NOTE: Refunds may be requested, and may be granted (in full or in part) on an individual basis at the discretion of the Coach (Kat Sturtz) or those legally authorized to act on her behalf.

Gina Glenn profile photo


I loved working with Kat! Her positivity is contagious and her coaching is spot on. She was my first ever biz coach and her wisdom helped me make smart decisions regarding my business growth in a way that honored my vision. 

Gina Glenn Certified Online Business Manager & Copy Creator

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