It reached a balmy 56 degrees in Michigan’s upper Thumb today. Cloudless blue skies above, grass greening up nicely below following last night’s storm. Amazing how lightning triggers nitrogen in the earth, in turn zapping nature’s spring sleepy-heads awake and prompting them to shake off their winter drabs in earnest.
I coaxed hubby out for a short walk after lunch then settled in to get some writing and business tasks done.
That’s when it hit.
Rounds of wide yawns. Droopy eyelids. The sudden urge to chuck it all and indulge in an afternoon nap.
So I did.
There wasn’t anything on my agenda that couldn’t wait an hour or two. Often there are, and I would have nixed the nap. But today there was space so I took advantage of the opportunity. It’s a simple form of self-care that I cherish.
I know what it’s like to overdo things. When the body breaks down and refuses to function. Years ago I suffered through Acute Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS). Months of barely able to function.
It was back in my ex-life — ex-spouse, living and working on the family dairy farm. I looked fine, or so I was told by the ex-in-laws, therefore I was expected to show up for chores. I managed my assigned share of them, barely.
Between morning and evening milking, I slept but never felt rested. Thankfully, my kids were willing and able to help with house chores and fixing meals.
Eventually, when the few things my doctor prescribed failed to help, I found a combination of supplements (Royal Bee Jelly and sublingual vitamin B-Complex) that helped immensely. As my health slowly returned, I learned to recognize the signs of when I was pushing the envelope too far, when I was getting too close to the “over-doing it” stage that would, in my case, send me tumbling back into the achy, drowsy fog of CFS.
The easiest and most accurate early warning sign I had … and have still … is noticing a weird scratchy throat upon waking. A more subtle sign are the yawns along with an unexpected urge to take a nap.
I pay attention, because not to costs more. More in wasted time, wasted opportunity, wasted energy.
Self-care is important.
Whether you’re healthy or health-compromised, self-care is important. It can be as simple as taking a short walk around the block. Or taking a nap.
What self-care things do you cherish?
I’d love to hear about them. Please share in the Comments below.
I so love naps! I have found that when I am overly stressed, sometimes a short nap will help me reset to make it through the rest of the day. Other self-care is making quiet time to read.
Hello fellow nap-lover. And, yes, reading is wonderful, too.
Better yet the benefits of a nap with your dog!! LOL!
Better yet the benefits of a nap with your dog!! LOL!
LOL Yes, napping with a willing, cuddly pet is the preferred way to nap. Our kitty, Jiffy, was a great co-napper.
I too love naps and sublingual B complex. Wonderful reminder for self-care! Love your writing style too; it really captivated me.
Awww. Thank you. My parents names me well it seems, considering my love of naps.
Self care is crucial. CFS is often missed. Its good you take naps.I love them too.
Yes, CFS is often missed. When I first had it back in the 1980s, CFS didn’t have a name. I’m glad you enjoy naps, too.